May 2013 was my last blog entry. Over the past two years been busy settling down in Auroville with family. Finally I start to feel like getting breathing space to start reflecting on the past and the future directions. Returning to Auroville and reconnect with Auroville life has been a good one.
The best thing spiritually helping me in Auroville is Sunday study circle at Savitri Bhavan. Reading Savitri with Shraddhavan and others certainly put me into touch with the my deeper needs. Surprisingly quotes from Sri Aurobindo and Mother on Facebook from various groups helping me to be in touch with their consciousness. I started to collect those quotes as personal collection in Google drive.
On 21 of February 2015 bought my long cherished wish to have the collected works of Sri Aurobindo and Mother along with Her Agenda. I designed a book shelf at the newly created AuroCreation carpentry workshop. Today, I felt motivated to put all those books into the book shelf. Time to start reading again I guess. Hope I can share more quotes as I come across.
Some of the quotes influenced me recently.
Sexual activities
bind man to the animal and they will be completely transformed in the future. Those who want to work for the future and prepare themselves to live it, would
do well not to be hypnotised by this subject which animalises the
consciousness. Above all, do not associate it with love in your thought, for
they really have nothing to do with each other.
Mother, 23.11.19
Beautiful. Mother in Paris
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