Friday, 3 May 2019

The story behind aurOMira

I was looking for a name and symbol for the newly approved  Auroville Unit.

How I arrived at the name?

This has been my mantra during Ashram time. 

I combined Auro and Mira. Suddenly I noticed the Mantric word OM, where these two names were joined together. I wanted to emphasise this discovery in the name. So it is written as aurOMira. 

Next, I  was looking for the logo for the past six months and then I stumble across this correspondence between Sri Aurobindo, Mother and Their disciple Krishanalal. 

Then the colour came when I read this message which is influencing me a lot these days when it comes to the dealing of money. 

  • Krishnalal ​saw the colour. I was not sure what colour to add then I l keywords were progress and generosity. It became obvious to me progress and generosity go hand in hand.  Luckily I found both of them in Mother's symbol. That is how I came with orange and purple. 

Last week I woke up 3 am and started to work on these for 4 straight hours and on an Adobe software called illustrator which I learned 20 years ago! 

And this is the outcome