Sunday, 22 April 2012

Being good is not good enough!

If I cannot be Rama, then I would be Ravana; for he is the dark side of Vishnu.
                                                                                                                              Sri Aurobindo
                                                                                                                              Thoughts And Aphorisms

This means that sweetness without strength and goodness without power are incomplete and cannot totally express the Divine.
I could say in keeping with the kind of image used by Sri Aurobindo, that the charity and generosity of a converted Asura are infinitely more effective than those of an innocent angel.
Works Of The Mother,
 On Thoughts And Aphorisms, 
Volume-10, Karma-69-70 206

Thursday, 22 March 2012

This is the wonder of the way of works that even enmity to God can be made an agency of salvation. Sometimes God draws and attaches us most swiftly to Him by wrestling with us as our fierce, invincible & irreconcilable enemy.
Sri Aurobindo