Thursday, 28 May 2009

Influence of langauge.

Each language is the sign and power of the soul of the people which naturally speaks it. Each develops therefore its own peculiar spirit, thought-temperament, way of dealing with life and knowledge and experience.

Volume: 25 [CWSA] (The Human Cycle), Page: 515

Thursday, 21 May 2009

failure and spirituality

Even if I foresee an adverse result, I must work for the one that I consider should be; for it keeps alive the force, the principle of Truth which I serve and gives it a possibility to triumph hereafter so that it becomes part of the working of the future favourable Fate, even if the fate of the hour is adverse. Men do not abandon a cause because they have seen it fail or foresee its failure; and they are spiritually right in their stubborn perseverance.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Poetry and art

When one is living in the physical mind, the only way to escape from it is imagination. Incidentally, that is why poetry and art, etc. have so strong a hold. But these imaginations are often really shadows of supraphysical experience and once the barrier of the physical mind is broken or even swung a little open, there come the experiences themselves, if the temperament is

[SABCL] (Letters on Yoga), Page: 902
-- Sri Aurobind

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Wish I could blog regularly

To be able to be regular is a great force, one becomes master of one's time and one's movements.

-- Sri Aurobindo